All cloisonne paintings below are of the same size:
7.25 inches x 8.5 inches (painted surface only) with at least an inch border on all sides.
Category is Watermedia. Watercolors + Acrylics.

Red Chrysanthemums.
I think I'll be turning towards more oriental painting inspired designs. Enjoyed the making of this one immensely.

Yellow Cosmos SOLD
I hope I got the name right. For this piece. I opted to color the leaves in shades of blue and purple to complement the color of the flower.
Now a collection of Miss Kristina Porter.
Thank you Kristina and I'm very happy that 5 of these paintings have found a warm home. Hi to Siana!
Now a collection of Miss Kristina Porter.
Thank you Kristina and I'm very happy that 5 of these paintings have found a warm home. Hi to Siana!

Unlike the first one, this is completely covered with paint. The white acrylic I used made the background look enameled. Also falls under watermedia : watercolors and acrylic on paper.

Thank you for looking.
Collection of Miss Kristina Porter

Yellow Cattleyas SOLD
Playing with texture on this one.
Collection of Miss Kristina Porter

Passion Flower No.4

Passion Flower No.3 SOLD
Collection of Miss Kristina Porter

Flowers are pink with purple middles. The gold outlining here is more pronounced. I've recently gotten my hands on an acrylic additive / medium which when used with the gold acrylic paint produces a very metallic and smooth finish. Layered on multiple times, it produces a more embossed gold outlining. I like how it imparts a sense of texture to the finished painting.
Collection of Miss Kristina Porter
Chinese Lantern No. 3
Delicate pink lanterns.

Chinese Lanterns No. 4
Lanterns are yellow orange in color amidst dark greenish-blue leaves. For this painting, I opted to fill in the background with white acrylic. I was going for the enameled look and am pleased with the results.
Fuschia Bougainvillea.
Pink to dark fuschia pink bougainvillea against dark forest green leaves. The dark colors bring out the gold very well.
Yellow Bougainvillea
Well actually it is an orangey yellow. Bougainvilleas are among my favorite subjects.
For my watercolors, I use Winsor and Newton Artist Watercolors and Daniel Smith Artist Watercolors. I use Reeves Artist Acrylic for the gold outlines and for the white background in one of the paintings.
All are painted on Fabriano Uno watercolor paper.
Thank you for looking.