30 x 36 inches
watercolor on paper
I love big paintings. If not for the factor of the heaviness of the frame, I'd like to try painting a 4 x 8 or 4 x 12 feet watercolor. That's the size of the plywood sheets we have here that I can use as a backing. Of course, there's the expense of the paint to consider but if I get a paint sponsor and have an affordable alternative for framing, I may just go for it.
I usually choose the flower I'll be painting according to the color I'm fixated in at the moment. I can't really say I was in a blue mood because people tend to associate blue with sadness. When I'm painting, I can't remember not being happy or not enjoying it. From the sketching, preparing the paper, transferring the drawing to painting, the purposefulness is calming and gives me a happy feeling. I like challenges and figuring how things work. The problem is once I get how it works, I can be distracted by other projects... other colors. Hence, the several months that elapsed between start and finish. But I think it did good too. The colors sank really well into the paper. When I applied the finishing touches, the previous washes didn't get disturbed by the brush passages. I wasn't worried about environmental damage, I kept the painting well protected in the meantime. I remembered it when I realized I needed the backing for another painting I'm planning. I think not seeing it for a long time helped me see it in a new light too and I was able to solve things that have stumped me before.